Pack one room at a time, marking each box with a description of its contents and destination (e.g., kids bedroom, study, bathroom). Be as specific as you can as it will make unpacking that much easier.
Pack those items you will not need right away first. Mark on the box these items are low priority for unpacking.
Liquids should not be packed. If they break, damage could occur to not only those items in the box but boxes surrounding the box.
Keep the total weight of your boxes reasonable. If possible, put heavy items in small boxes to make them easier to carry.
Don’t apply tape directly to polished or painted wood finishes. Removing the tape could ruin the surface.
Double-box fragile items and add plenty of cushioning. Use common sense when packing fragile items.
Moving Supplies
Sometimes a flimsy box will just not do for your grandmother’s fine china. AB&C are your premiere source for high-quality, wholesale moving boxes and moving supplies.
Moving Tips
Since everything we do is by the hour, there are a few things that you can do to save yourself money. Things such as taking beds apart, taking glass shelves out, disassembling furniture that will not fit out the door can help make your move go more smoothly. If you don’t have time to take care of it, we will be happy to do it.
Be prepared to give an accurate estimate of the stuff you want us to move for you on an over the phone estimate. If you think there is more stuff than worth mentioning on the phone, we will be happy to come out and do a free, in-home estimate.
Before moving day, try to have all furniture that is to be moved cleared off. This will allow us to get in there, grab the furniture and go.